About me

I believe in open source as the best way to be in control of the technology we use, be it as developers or users.

And as such, I contribute to Open Source projects, currently focusing on Mycroft (both core and skills). Mycroft is the only? open source digital assistant to challenge brands like Amazon's Alexa or Google Home.

I believe in simple solutions, minimum overhead in development and management, useful documentation that people actually read, and yes, I do care for clean code.

I have developed software on UNIX platforms since the early nineties, and later on Linux. For my spare time projects i use Linux as my development platform, but at work I use Windows, although we deploy to Linux servers.

During my career I have worked professionally with a vast number technologies, most importantly Java, and the Microsoft's BizTalk platform. However, Python has become my favorite language.

Back in the nineties I worked with machine vision, after a short visit in front end land in the beginning of the century, I now work as an integration specialist and architect.

I have tried my hand at Project Management, Enterprise Architecture, and other management roles, but technical specialist suits me best.

Software development is my profession, but I dabble in hardware and 3D printing at home as well. Using Arduinos, Espressif boards and a multitude of breakout boards.

Remember: Open source is our code

Carsten Agerskov